
Substance Abuse / Dependence Counseling

1) Have you found yourself drinking more in amount and more often than you intend to?
2) Are you hesitant to go out to parties or events without “tailgating first”?
3) After a night of “partying” do you feel bad/anxious or hungover the next day? Have you even missed work or classes as a result?
4) Do you find yourself afraid you can’t study without the help of stimulants?
5) Do you use pot/weed or other non-prescription drugs to help your brain quiet down so you can sleep at night?
6) Have your friends or family expressed repeated concerns about your alcohol or drug use?
7) Have you had relationship, work or legal problems that may be a direct result of your alcohol or drug use?
8) Have you been experiencing increased anxiety or depression that may be a consequence of your alcohol or drug use?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM1V and DSM V) describes substance abuse/ dependence as exhibiting many of the symptoms included above. Some of the formal criteria include:

1) Recurrent substance use resulting in failure to meet obligations such as work, school or family.
2) Alcohol/drugs are taken more often and in larger amounts than intended and increased amounts may become needed over time.
3) Continued substance use despite recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused by substance misuse/ intoxication.
4) Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (i.e. driving a car after drinking or smoking.

Substance Abuse therapy is extremely helpful in addressing and correcting these problems and helping develop and maintain the lifestyle that you want.